Character Sets:

pattern Macthes
any<T> any character
single(v) == v
range(v_1, v_2) v_1 <= <= v_2
delegated(cb) cb()
not(charset) !charset.has()
~charset not(charset)
or(cs_1, cs_2) cs_1.has(v) || cs_2.has(v)
cs_1 | cs_2 or(CS_1, CS_2)
set("abc") a | b | c
set(ITE, ITE) any character contained


Character Patterns

pattern compatible dst Behavior
char_() CHAR_T Matches any single character.
char_(charset<T>) CHAR_T Matches a single character belonging to the character set.
char_('c') CHAR_T Matches that one specific character.
char_("string") CHAR_T Matches a single character found in the string

Numeric Patterns

pattern compatible dst Behavior
Int<BASE, MIN_DIG, MAX_DIG>() integer-like Matches a signed number in base BASE, having between MIN_DIG and MAX_DIG (0 means no limit) digits.
int_ integer-like Shorthand for Int<10, 1, 0>().
UInt<BASE, MIN_DIG, MAX_DIG>() integer-like Matches an unsigned number in base BASE, having between MIN_DIG and MAX_DIG (0 means no limit) digits.
uint_ integer-like Shorthand for UInt<10, 1, 0>().

Literal Patterns

pattern compatible dst Behavior
lit('c') Nil Matches and ignores a specific character.
lit("str") Nil Matches and ignores a specific string of characters.

Symbol Patterns

pattern compatible dst Behavior
symbol(map<CHAR_T, VAL>) VAL Matches character based on map key, and emits matching value.
symbol(map<string, VAL>) VAL Matches string based on map key, and emits matching value.

Misc Patterns

pattern compatible dst Behavior
eoi Nil Matches the end of input.
pass Nil Always succeeds.
fail Nil Always fails.

Unary Patterns

Name operator compatible dst Behavior
Not !pat Nil Fails if the operand matches, does nothing otherwise.
Repeat *pat vector<pat_dst> Matches pat zero or more times.
Repeat +pat vector<pat_dst> Matches pat one or more times.
Action pat[act] decltype(act()) Executes Act if pat succeeds.

Binary Patterns

Name operator compatible dst Behavior
Except op - neg op_dst Delegates to op if neg fails.
List op % sep vector<op_dst> Matches a list of sep seprated ops (0->inf).

Nary Patterns

Name operator compatible dst Behavior
Alternative A | B | ... see below Matches the first non-failing child pattern
Sequence A >> B >> ... see below Matches each sub-pattern sequentially

Alternative dst: Any type that can accept an atomic assignment of any of A, B, ...

Sequence dst:

  • If all child patterns are Nil: Nil
  • If all child patterns except pat are Nil patterns: Anything pat is compatible with.
  • if one child is vector<T>, and all childs areTorvector:vector`.
  • Otherwise: dst must be a type that can be constructed with each of the non-Nil child patterns


auto create_pattern() {
  abu::Recur<struct MyRecur> my_recur;

  auto pat = <pattern making use of my_recur>;

  // must be in same scope as my_recur
  ABU_Recur_Define(MyRecur, my_recur, pat);

  return my_recur;

Data Sources

